Housing Needs Assessment Tool

A reliable, equity-focused way to measure and compare housing needs in every community across Canada

National reports agree that current affordable housing programs are not meeting targets to reduce core housing need and homelessness. How can we do better?

HART’s Housing Needs Assessment

A census-based tool that measures core housing need and affordable shelter costs by income category, household size, and priority populations. Our methods allow governments to set effective housing targets that will lift Canadians out of chronic housing need and homelessness.

The tool is powered by census data custom built by Statistics Canada in collaboration with HART researchers.

The HART tool includes data for Canada; the Provinces and Territories; Census divisions (CD), a general term for regional planning areas; and Census subdivisions (CSD), a general term for municipalities. View the Illustrated Glossary of Census Geographies from Statistics Canada.

You can also view our guide to understanding 2021 data (in French, too!), and our 2016 data to get a better sense of how your community has changed.

Our assessment features:

  • Categories that reflect the communities they represent
  • A view of household size and income together
  • Housing need amongst priority populations and those with distinct housing needs
Want to understand how we made it?
View our hna methodologyView the tool’s code on githubsee raw data on the Dataverse

Please note we’re working on getting the HNA tool translated. If you need any of our data in French, please get in touch.

Dig deeper with our e-learning

HART has developed a full e-learning course for housing advocates, government staff, and the public. It's a free, easy, and asynchronous way for you to learn more about the HART Tools and how they can be used in your community.

HART e-learning course

Learn more about the Housing Needs Assessment Tool in our Microlearning (en français ici):

Current Housing Needs Assessments

Get a birds eye view of some of the most populous communities with some interpretive text for 2016 and 2021.