About HART

Who we are and what we do

Who we are

The Housing Assessment Resource Tools (HART) project is an award-winning research group that works toward evidence and data-based solutions to Canada’s housing crisis.

Through the National Housing Strategy (2018) and National Housing Strategy Act (2019), the federal government has committed to progressively realize the right to adequate housing for everyone in Canada with an emphasis on the needs of the most marginalized populations. Without simple, robust, equity-focused, comparable, and replicable housing needs assessments at all levels of government, it is impossible to set meaningful housing targets, or measure progress. The goal of the HART project is to develop standardized, replicable and equity-focused tools, along with associated public information and training, to improve the quality of housing supply decision-making at all levels of government across Canada.

What we do

Our suite of tools

HART provides a comprehensive data-driven analysis of housing need at a granular level, as well as responsive, sustainable solutions that will improve the quality of housing supply decision-making at all levels of government. We aim to help governments, the housing sector, and the public better understand the needs of their communities.

Housing Needs Assessment Tool

A census-based tool that measures core housing need and affordable shelter costs by income category, household size, and priority populations. Our methods allow governments to set effective housing targets that will lift Canadians out of chronic housing need and homelessness.

How does my community stack up?

Land Assessment Tool

A mapping tool that assesses suitable public land for non-profit affordable housing, based on proximity to key services and amenities. It supports governments to effectively use land, including housing on top (of libraries, health centres etc.) to maximize deeply affordable homes.

Where can we build?

Property Acquisitions Tool

A policy-based tool that help prevent the loss of affordable housing through property acquisition by governments, non-profit housing providers and Community Land Trusts.

What does best practice look like?

Meet our Team

The people behind the project

The HART team is made up of housing researchers, experts, and advocates. We want to make our communities better through our work.

Alexandra Flynn

Full Biography

Penny Gurstein

Full Biography

Craig Jones

Associate Director
Full Biography

Carolyn Whitzman

Expert Advisor
Full Biography

Julia Harten

Lead, Housing Need
Full Biography

James Connolly

Lead, Land
Full Biography

Martine August

Lead, Acquisitions
Full Biography

Raymond Ng

Lead, Data Management
Full Biography

Advisory Committee

Guiding Our Project Through Practical Experience

Our Advisory Committee represents national expertise in housing need and land assessment.


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