Federal Housing Needs Assessment Template
Easily meet the requirements for federal funding programs with our new template. Compliant, user-friendly, instant.
This HNA Template, developed in collaboration with Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada (HICC), is meant to support communities across Canada to satisfy the requirements of federal funding programs, like the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), the Canada Community Building Fund (CCBF), and the Permanent Transit Fund.
Similarly to our flagship HNA Tool, you can select or type in your geography, and the data will auto-populate with the appropriate data for that community.
Want to understand how we made it?
Read the Federal hna Template methodologyAny questions about the requirements for these programs should be directed to HICC.
**Please note: This template was produced for the purpose of being useful to communities who may be applying to Federal funding programs. In an effort to provide that support as early on in the process as possible, we are doing several rounds of data updates as more data becomes available. Data for regions, provinces, territories, and nationwide will be added in successive stages, as will data regarding transgender and non-binary households.