HART e-Learning
Want to understand Canada’s housing crisis but don’t know where to start?
HART has developed a full e-learning course for housing advocates, government staff, and the public.
Whats the course about?
Our course is broken into five short modules to help students understand housing challenges in their community and advocate for better decisions using the HART tools.
Module 1 – Understanding Canada’s Housing Crisis: This module will explore the extent of the housing crisis in Canada, including challenges experienced by unique demographic groups such as Indigenous communities, single mothers, and newcomers. The module will also acquaint you with key terminology related to the housing crisis. As you work through it, you’ll deepen your knowledge of the dynamics involved and the role each level of government plays in housing.
Whether you’re an analyst, a planner, or simply curious about Canada’s housing crisis, this 30-minute module will give you the basics to have robust discussions about the issues and start thinking about building a housing strategy.
Module 2 – Why HART?: This module introduces the Housing Assessment Resource Tools (HART), which are designed to quantify housing needs in communities across Canada. It will describe some unique features of HART, as well as its limitations.
Module 3 – Crafting a Housing Needs Assessment: This module introduces the HNA tool, including functions for navigating and evaluating data. It also explores how to access the Dataverse using Beyond 20/20.
Module 4 – Create Land Assessment and Property Acquisition Strategies: This module will introduce two additional HART tools: the Land Assessment Tool and the Property Acquisitions Tool.
Module 5 – Implement Your Housing Strategy: This module shares best practices for delivering presentations, leveraging resources, and building partnerships. At the end, you’ll complete your own action plan for your community.