Many recent mid-way evaluations of the current National Housing Strategy make clear that all levels of government – local, regional, provincial/ territorial, and the federal – have failed to provide homes that are affordable or suitable to those who are underhoused or in core housing need.
Central to the problem is the absence of shared, replicable, comparable, and equity-focused data to measure housing need, as well as a lack of understanding of the policies that can provide the right supply for who needs what kinds of housing where.
This webinar provides an in-depth workshop on new HART tools and the updates added since their launch in March 2023. Join researchers to learn practical ways to leverage these tools in every community in Canada, regardless of the community size or resources. The session will be interactive and provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions, learn how to use the tools, and implement them in their work.
- Craig Jones, Associate Director, HART
- Joseph Daniels, Property Acquisitions Coordinator, HART
- Cameron Power, Land Assessment Coordinator, HART
- Ray Sullivan, Executive Director, CHRA
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